Adult's Kopi King Tournament
Saturday, 24 June, 2-4pm
Congratulations Shaun Tan, for winning the Kopi King Tournament! You will receive $88 worth of app credits sponsored by Ya Kun!
Children's Kopi King Tournament
Sunday, 25 June, 2-4pm
Congratulations Darius, for winning the Kopi King Tournament! You will receive a copy of Alphabeasts Attack!, Reef Rescue, and $30 worth of app credits sponsored by Ya Kun!

Action for Change in Southeast Asia (ActSEA) is a regional collective committed to equity and sustainability in Southeast Asia. In Singapore, our current efforts focus on climate education, research, and capacity building.

Ameba games was born out of the desire to create unique tabletop games that carry our brand of humour and quirkiness.
We are focused on party and casual strategy games that both beginners and seasoned players can enjoy.

Boardverse is a Singaporean boardgame company established by a group of friends who enjoy the fun, laughter, and thrills of tabletop gaming. We promise to deliver quality games that have been refined through countless playtests and iterations before reaching its official release.

Curious Chimeras is an indie game studio based in Singapore, designing playable experiences and tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs). We draw inspiration from Asian histories and cultures to make immersive storytelling games that can be played alone or with friends. Experience a different genre of tabletop gaming, and try bite-sized snippets of our TTRPGs at Play Play Fair!

Good Spirit Games is an indie game studio founded by Geoffrey Chia in Singapore with a vision to expand the tabletop gaming culture. Dedicated to creating fun with human interaction, Geoffrey ’s first published game under the studio is ‘Contraband Insider’.

Conceptualised by early childhood educators and specially designed by our in-house illustrators, Growing Up’s Educational Games makes for a fun and interactive way to help children learn and reinforce important concepts and train a variety of useful skill sets.

King and the Pawn opened in 2018 as a one-of-a-kind board game cafe and bar on Purvis Street. Fú is our first game, which we have designed explicitly to suit our customers’ preferences for family-friendly, highly interactive games with relatable themes.

Kodecco is a Singapore-based board game development company founded by Mae and Yang. What began as a hobby has quickly evolved into a dedicated pursuit of crafting immersive and engaging social deduction games. Our designs are pixel-based, reflecting our love for the retro gaming style!

Kodrah Kristang is the internationally recognised grassroots volunteer effort to revive the creole/indigenous Kristang language, culture and identity in Singapore, led by the Kabesa or leader of the Kristang people of Singapore and Southeast Asia, Kevin Martens Wong, and founded in February 2016.

Founded by a husband and wife team, MooMeeNyu Designs hopes to design geeky games for the likes of us. Daniel is the lead game designer. Anne is the hobby artist. Together, they seek to create fun and unusual games that are able to evoke creative and clever play amongst family and friends.

We design and publish Modern Asian Board Games.

Playlogue Creations is a small tabletop game publisher in Singapore that strives to enrich conversations on different issues through game design, storytelling and collaboration. We design beautiful, well-crafted games for gamers and clients.

Join our vibrant, inclusive boardgame community. Connect through shared passion, regardless of age or experience. Enjoy casual or themed game nights. Embrace open dialogue and diverse perspectives from members of varied backgrounds. Create lasting connections and organize events. #laiplayleow bridges friendships, fostering camaraderie and belonging.

At The Men’s Cave, we create innovative and fun spaces that will change the way you see your home or workspace. We daresay it is our mission to enable you to make your home unique and fun with our brand of curated lifestyle furnishing.

The Mind Cafe is a board game cafe – not just your regular cafe that offers fantastic coffee and tasty pastries, we are here to share the love of board games!